EDISON18 : The 18th International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures

July 22-26, 2013
Kunibiki Messe, Matsue, Japan

Welcome to EDISON18

The 18th International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures (EDISON) will be held in Matsue, Japan, from July 22 (Mon) through 26 (Fri), 2013. EDISON18 will highlight the latest progress in the field of fundamental physics and applications of electron dynamics in semiconductors, opto-electronic devices, and nanostructures.

Important News

・  Final program is now available.

・  Information on the accompanying persons' program is added.

・  Deadline for Online Registration: July 7, 2013 

Snap shots at EDISON18

Photos at EDISON18 are uploaded. Please access from the button below.


2013. 7. 4
Information on the accompanying persons' program is added on the Social Programs page.
2013. 7. 3
The program for EDISON18 are updated to final version.
2013. 6. 1
The time table has been posted on the Program page
2013. 5.21
The preliminary program, Social Program, and Presentation Schemes are updated.
2013. 5.15
The preliminary program has been posted. The final program will become available soon.
2013. 4.25
The accommodation page has been opend.
2013. 3.26
The registration page was opened.
2013. 3.15
The abstract deadline was extended to March 23, 2013.
2013. 2. 6
The abstract submission page was opened.
The list of invited speakers was posted. The list will be updated.
2012. 7. 26
We have launched EDISON 18’s website.
About the latest information, please, take a look at the new "Topics" here.